
We empower your tribe to make a difference.

Early Bird and Promotional Discount Codes

Get your experience off to a good start with easy-to-implement early-bird codes, promotional discounts and a tiered pricing structure.

Early Bird and Promotional Discount Codes

Intuitive Campaign

Intuitive campaign set-up tools and the ability to duplicate prior campaigns to save time, provide consistency, and minimize mistakes.

Intuitive Campaign

Customized, Comprehensive Campaigns

Manage your entire event experience from one platform. No need to cobble together solutions for registration, fundraising, and check-in.

Customized, Comprehensive Campaigns

Connected System

With the entire system working together, updates are automatic so there is no need for last minute updates from one system to another.

Connected System

Register Multiple Participants

Allow people to register multiple participants at a time.

Register Multiple Participants

Registration & Ticketing Campaigns

Have a registration or ticket event? We've got your back. Teams, multiple categories, discount codes, and we're just getting started.

Next: Connected Experiences

Connect Experiences

Connect Experiences

Connect experiences to allow those that achieve a fundraising goal and other VIPs to attend a secondary event, such as a gala, or have access to a VIP area.

Comprehensive View

Comprehensive View

Have a comprehensive view of the campaign fundraising metrics by connecting experiences within a campaign.

Automatic Invites

Automatic Invites

Automatically invite fundraisers when they have qualified for the secondary experience.

Save Time

Save Time

Save time and reduce errors by eliminating the need to manually find qualifiers and manage a separate invitee list in a secondary system.

Fundraiser Recogition

Fundraiser Recogition

Build meaningful relationships by recognizing VIPs and fundraisers with special events.


Want to automatically recognize top fundraisers and VIPs with an invitation to special events?

Next: Consumer Portal

Registration Management

Easy access to all of the events you are registered with date and location details and QR code for check-in.

Registration Management

Team Management

See your team's progress and quickly link to your team's page.

Team Management

Fundraising Management

Manage all of your fundraising activies through this portal. See donors, from this year and prior years, and thank them directly through this portal.

Fundraising Management

Donation Management

Easily manage all of your donations.

Donation Management


Dashboard showing all of the donations you've made and, as a fundraiser, how much you have raised, the number of donors you have recruited, and the average donation amount. Also see all of the organizations that you support.



Consumer Portal

Next: Integrated

Time Efficiency

Use your time more efficiently by connecting with donors through an integrated CRM system.

Time Efficiency

Reach out to Past Donors

Fundraisers can get off to a good strong start by reaching out to those that have supported you in the past or that you have supported in their causes. With this information at their fingertips, the campaign can gain traction quickly.

Reach out to Past Donors

Build Relationships

Build stronger relationships with fundraisers and donors by personalizing messages based on fundraising and donation history along with past messages.

Build Relationships

CRM for Organizations and Fundraisers

Fundraisers can easily see who has made donations to their causes and message history in order to easily reach out to donors with a higher level of personalization.

CRM for Organizations and Fundraisers


Send messages through the system to reach out to this network and retain this history.

Message History


Acknowledge your peeps. Track your communication history. Build more meaningful relationships.

Next: Bib Assignments & Check-In

Check-in with QR Code

Streamline check-in process with QR codes and links between participants that registered together.

Check-in with QR Code

Donation Capability

Ensure fundraising goals are met and raise even by enabling fundraisers to fulfill their minimums and accepting additional donations during check-in.

Donation Capability

Create Bib

You are able to create multiple bib pools.

Create Bib Pools


Save time prepping for check-in with one system for check-in, merchandise, donations, and bib assignents that utilizes real-time information.

Single System

Pre-assign Bib Numbers

Pre-assign bib #s based on registration date, name, age, or fundraising amount.

Pre-assign Bib Numbers

Bib Assignments & Check-In

Turnkey bib assignments and check-in. System generated bib assignments. Comprehensive check-in with onsite donation capabiliity.

Next: Merchandising & Inventory

Integrate Merchadise into Registration

Registrants can build a customized swag bag and/or purchase additional items during registration. Raise extra funds for your cause while spreading the word.

Integrate Merchadise into Registration

Create Custom Merchandise

Create merchandise for swag bags and the store, including photos, custom attributes (e.g., shirt sizes), and inventory value.

Create Custom Merchandise

Track Inventory Automatically

Keep track of assets as they are added to inventory and automatically adjusted with swag bag or merchandise purchases.

Track Inventory Automatically

Get Inventory Level Notifications

Set whether you want to continue selling an item once it is out of stock and get notifications if an item reaches a minimum level to know when you need to re-order.

Get Inventory Level Notifications

Comprehensive System

No need for a separate system to sell merchandise. Inventory, track, and sell your merchandise.

Comprehensive System

Merchandising & Inventory

Inventory, track, and sell your merchandise. With swag bag and merchandising built into the registration the registration process, you can raise extra funds to support your cause.

Next: Dynamic Reporting

Organizational Dashboard

Key metrics for campaign progress are conveniently shown on the organizational dashboard.

Organizational Dashboard

Integrated Reporting

Quickly and easily get the information you need to understand how your event is tracking.

Integrated Reporting

Event Comparisons with T- Insights

Compare event progress for fundraising, participants, and teams based on time until event.

Event Comparisons with T- Insights

Customizable Reports

Easily customize reports to access the data you need without data overload using our analytics tools.

Customizable Reports

Information Access

Still have the ability to access to all of the behind-the-scenes information in a simple download.

Information Access

Integrated Dynamic Reporting

Want to know how your event is tracking? Pull key data without the need to download spreadsheets.

Next: Registration & Ticketing